FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

mysql -- privilege escalation and overwrite of the system table information

Affected packages
4.1 <= mysql-server < 4.1.24
5.0 <= mysql-server < 5.0.51
5.1 <= mysql-server < 5.1.23
6.0 <= mysql-server < 6.0.4


VuXML ID 8c451386-dff3-11dd-a765-0030843d3802
Discovery 2007-11-14
Entry 2009-01-11

MySQL reports:

Using RENAME TABLE against a table with explicit DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options can be used to overwrite system table information by replacing the symbolic link points. the file to which the symlink points.


Bugtraq ID 26765
CVE Name CVE-2007-5969