FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

typo3 -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
typo3-9-php72 < 9.5.17
typo3-9-php73 < 9.5.17
typo3-9-php74 < 9.5.17
typo3-10-php72 < 10.4.2
typo3-10-php73 < 10.4.2
typo3-10-php74 < 10.4.2


VuXML ID 59fabdf2-9549-11ea-9448-08002728f74c
Discovery 2020-05-12
Entry 2020-05-13

Typo3 News:

CVE-2020-11063: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-001: Information Disclosure in Password Reset

It has been discovered that time-based attacks can be used with the password reset functionality for backend users. This allows an attacker to verify whether a backend user account with a given email address exists or not.

CVE-2020-11064: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-002: Cross-Site Scripting in Form Engine

It has been discovered that HTML placeholder attributes containing data of other database records are vulnerable to cross-site scripting. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

CVE-2020-11065: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-003: Cross-Site Scripting in Link Handling

It has been discovered that link tags generated by typolink functionality are vulnerable to cross-site scripting - properties being assigned as HTML attributes have not been parsed correctly.

CVE-2020-11066: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-004: Class destructors causing side-effects when being unserialized

Calling unserialize() on malicious user-submitted content can result in the following scenarios:

- trigger deletion of arbitrary directory in file system (if writable for web server)

- trigger message submission via email using identity of web site (mail relay)

Another insecure deserialization vulnerability is required to actually exploit mentioned aspects.

CVE-2020-11067: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-005: Insecure Deserialization in Backend User Settings

It has been discovered that backend user settings (in $BE_USER->uc) are vulnerable to insecure deserialization. In combination with vulnerabilities of 3rd party components this can lead to remote code execution. A valid backend user account is needed to exploit this vulnerability.

CVE-2020-11069: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2020-006: Same-Site Request Forgery to Backend User Interface

It has been discovered that the backend user interface and install tool are vulnerable to same-site request forgery. A backend user can be tricked into interacting with a malicious resource an attacker previously managed to upload to the web server - scripts are then executed with the privileges of the victims’ user session.

In a worst case scenario new admin users can be created which can directly be used by an attacker. The vulnerability is basically a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) triggered by a cross-site scripting vulnerability (XSS) - but happens on the same target host - thus, it’ actually a same-site request forgery (SSRF).

Malicious payload such as HTML containing JavaScript might be provided by either an authenticated backend user or by a non-authenticated user using a 3rd party extension - e.g. file upload in a contact form with knowing the target location.

The attacked victim requires an active and valid backend or install tool user session at the time of the attack to be successful.


CVE Name CVE-2020-11063
CVE Name CVE-2020-11064
CVE Name CVE-2020-11065
CVE Name CVE-2020-11066
CVE Name CVE-2020-11067
CVE Name CVE-2020-11069