FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

go -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
go120 < 1.20.8
go121 < 1.21.1


VuXML ID beb36f39-4d74-11ee-985e-bff341e78d94
Discovery 2023-09-06
Entry 2023-09-07

The Go project reports:

cmd/go: go.mod toolchain directive allows arbitrary execution

The go.mod toolchain directive, introduced in Go 1.21, could be leveraged to execute scripts and binaries relative to the root of the module when the "go" command was executed within the module. This applies to modules downloaded using the "go" command from the module proxy, as well as modules downloaded directly using VCS software.

html/template: improper handling of HTML-like comments within script contexts

The html/template package did not properly handle HMTL-like "<!--" and "-->" comment tokens, nor hashbang "#!" comment tokens, in <script> contexts. This may cause the template parser to improperly interpret the contents of <script> contexts, causing actions to be improperly escaped. This could be leveraged to perform an XSS attack.

html/template: improper handling of special tags within script contexts

The html/template package did not apply the proper rules for handling occurrences of "<script", "<!--", and "</script" within JS literals in <script< contexts. This may cause the template parser to improperly consider script contexts to be terminated early, causing actions to be improperly escaped. This could be leveraged to perform an XSS attack.

crypto/tls: panic when processing post-handshake message on QUIC connections

Processing an incomplete post-handshake message for a QUIC connection caused a panic.


CVE Name CVE-2023-39318
CVE Name CVE-2023-39319
CVE Name CVE-2023-39320
CVE Name CVE-2023-39321
CVE Name CVE-2023-39322