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2005-06-03 gforge -- directory traversal vulnerability

The following information is adapted from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project. CVE and the CVE logo are trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. CVE content is Copyright 2005, The MITRE Corporation.


Type Candidate
Name CVE-2005-0299
Phase Assigned(20050210)


Directory traversal vulnerability in GForge 3.3 and earlier allows remote attackers to list arbitrary directories via a .. (dot dot) in the (1) dir parameter to controller.php or (2) dir_name parameter to controlleroo.php.


Source Reference
BUGTRAQ 20050120 STG Security Advisory: [SSA-20050120-24] GForge 3.x directory
BID 12318
SECTRACK 1012950
XF gforge-dir-dirname-directory-traversal(18988)