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Entered Topic
2004-03-31 isakmpd payload handling denial-of-service vulnerabilities

The following information is adapted from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project. CVE and the CVE logo are trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. CVE content is Copyright 2005, The MITRE Corporation.


Type Candidate
Name CVE-2004-0221
Phase Assigned(20040313)


isakmpd in OpenBSD 3.4 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via an ISAKMP packet with a delete payload containing a large number of SPIs, which triggers an out-of-bounds read error, as demonstrated by the Striker ISAKMP Protocol Test Suite.


Source Reference
BUGTRAQ 20040323 R7-0018: OpenBSD isakmpd payload handling denial-of-service vulnerabilities
OPENBSD 20040317 015: RELIABILITY FIX: March 17, 2004
CERT-VN VU#524497
BID 9907
SECTRACK 1009468
XF openbsd-isakmp-delete-dos(15630)